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Откриване / Opening
Откриване на OpenFest Online Talks 2020
Мотики 2020 (Николай Тенев
/StorPool Storage/)
Четвърто издание на най-интересните бъгове и странни проблеми, с които сме се борили в последните месеци. Можем ли да разчитаме на софтуера и хардуера, който всички ползваме? Как се работи в такива условия?
OpenBSD 6.8 and you (Peter Hansteen)
Every six months for the last 25 years, the OpenBSD project has issued a new release of the security focused, general purpose free operating system. This talk aims to show how OpenBSD is important far beyond its own user population: as a source of innovations in security later adopted elsewhere and as upstream for software and whole subsystems re-used by other projects both free and proprietary. Time allowing some specifics of the most recent releases will be covered in more detail.
“If you can't measure it, you can't manage it” (Ivana Atanasova
Open Source is already established as a standard for many evolving technologies and there is almost no project that is not based on it or using it in some aspect. This type of software can give maintainers and contributors independence on how they can lead and develop their projects, but more freedom means higher responsibility for the project leadership. One major role of an Open Source Program Office (OSPO) is to assist projects to become sustainable and recognized as reliable for adoption. In this talk, we will share the example criteria that measure a project’s “health” and will discuss how to interpret the data to identify potential problems. The CHAOSS project’s Augur tool has developed over the past years to enable this type of data collection and metrics measurement. We will show examples of projects we are working with and how we assess their health. We believe that such knowledge can benefit the whole ecosystem and provide guidance that is highly useful for all stakeholders.
Automated Firewall Testing (Kristof Provost
Automatically testing the pf firewall, using network stack virtualisation. For fun and profit, or at least for the sake of fewer bugs.
Обедна почивка / Lunch break
Обедна почивка
Scalable and automated configuration management with Ansible (Стоил Стоилов
Използваме Ansible за да осигуряваме и управляваме конфигурацията на контейнерите в нашия частен облак. И ако в началото смятахме, че автоматизацията ще е лека задача и бързо ще отмени много от работата ни, то днес можем да разкажем какво научихме дотук. Защо за три години, пренаписахме някой play-буци два пъти, как преорганизирахме инвентара и за кои модули не искаме да си спомняме. От добри практики, до нашите собствени грешки и как се поучихме от тях.
The Freedom of Static Typing (Andrew Radev)
I'd like to demonstrate some interesting language features in Rust that make it easier to write code and to express concepts compared to dynamic languages. Features that don't just protect you from shooting your feet, but give you power that's only available within the rules and "limitations" of a statically typed language.
Кога отвореният код се проваля (Божидар Божанов
Отвореният код е нещо прекрасно. Но в някои аспекти и ситуации той се проваля. Ще разгледаме примери и причини за проблемите с UX и леснота на използване, с предвидимостта, с бизнес моделите, със сигурността и с генерирането на търсене.
NVDA екранният четец с отворен код (Ismail Ismail
Представяне на един доста интересн проект със отворен код а именно NVDA това е екранен четец с отворен код който може да се използва абсолютно безплатно от всички потребители както с намалено така и с нулево зрение
Building a modern SaaS in 2020 (Николай Стоицев
Building a modern Software as a Service platform brings a lot of interesting engineering challenges. During this talk, I’m going to share my team’s journey of building a SaaS from scratch in 2020. First, we are going to start with the technologies and the architecture we picked. Then, we’ll go over the interesting challenge of implementing multitenancy. And we'll see how we benchmarked three different options and picked one. And last but not least, we’ll explore how every startup can use open source technologies to build observability infrastructure. And how to run their SaaS in production.
SpaceTech overview (Georgi Kaludov
Have you ever dreamed about open space and the stars? Join my talk about SpaceTech, where I will do a short overview of this emerging industry and will share about two exciting Opensource projects: Space Situational Awareness ( Kubesat Autonomous framework ( Мечтали ли сте някога за космоса и звездите? Присъединете се за кратък преглед на разрастващата се SpaceTech индустрия. Ще Ви разкажа и за два страхотни Opensource проекта: Space Situational Awareness ( Kubesat Autonomous framework (
Професия "Откривател на топла вода" (Krasimir Tsonev
За всички мисля е ясно, че в нашата професия ниво се вдига чрез правене. Какво и как правите обаче не е без значение. Имам желание да ви разходя из нещата, които правя в свободното си време. Повечето ми проекти моментално влизат в графата "е то това вече го има", но истината е че работата по подобни библиотеки ми носи много ползи. Какви точно, ще разберете ако гледате презентацията.
Миграция към KVM (Венко Моянков
Ще разкажем за процеса на мигриране на виртуални машини от VMware, Hyper-V и XenServer към KVM с минимално прекъсване и ще покажем демо на живо. В процеса използваме инструменти с отворен код, включително няколко създадени от нас за да сведем времето, за което машината е недостъпна, до няколко секунди.
3D в интернет. WebGL, Babylon JS, Three.js (Кирил Митов
Целта да лекцията да сподели възможностите за доставяне на 3D съдържания в браузър като се спре на конкретни примери от две от популярните софтуерни рамки в областта - Babylon.js и Three.js, базирани върху стандарта WebGL 2.0.
Seccomp for developers - making your applications more secure (Alexander Reelsen
Application developers tend to focus on features first with security being an afterthought to those features. Instead of rolling your own security, this talk will show how to integrate seccomp into your self written applications.
Час на отворената инфраструктура (Боян Кроснов
/StorPool Storage/)
Тази лекция е обзор на open source infrastructure екосистемата, от bare metal provisioning и deployment automation, до контейнери, мрежи и storage-и. В Opensource екосистемата има много проекти с различна популярност и различни възможности.
Kuma - a Service Mesh for the masses (Николай Николаев
/Kong Inc./)
Kuma е имплементация на Service Mesh концепцията за свързаност на приложения в облака. Проектът е разработен от комапнията Kong, известна със своите API-management решения и дарен на Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Някой от най-важните особености на Kuma са възможносста му да свързва услуги работещи в Kubernetes и такива изпълнявани във виртуални машини, като позволява свързването на различни по тип и мног на брой клъстери (т.нар. зони). Лекцията ще представи версия 1.0, която ще бъде официално достъпна за ползване през Ноември 2020.
Uyuni: the solution to manage your Linux infrastructure (Pau Garcia Quiles
Uyuni is a software-defined infrastructure and configuration management solution. It bootstraps physical servers, creates VMs for virtualization and cloud, deploys and updates packages -even with content lifecycle management features-, builds container images, and tracks what runs on your Kubernetes clusters. All using Salt under the hood!
Freelancer and small business branding (Василена Вълчанова
If you’re a freelance professional, own or work in a small dev team, you have to work on the Brand of You. Branding helps more people to know, like, and trust you. And it works on business partners, potential clients, or employees you want to attract. Branding is essential. And you’ll learn how to build a brand with authenticity, professionalism, and a focus on open source.
GitAbandonWare (Philippe Coval
/Mozilla Reps/)
GitAbandonWare : A community effort to maintain abandoned software. Hints, tips and procedures and feedback will be shared.
HM4 - high performance key-value database (Николай Михайлов)
HM4 е free, open source, key-value NoSQL database, разработена от мен - Николай Михайлов. Използува се в продъкшън в няколко уеб сайта.
Open Source and the Enterprise - the Win-Win Game (Velichka Atanasova
Open source software exists today as the dominant force within the technology industry. It is one of the keys to speeding innovation for large and small businesses. Not only companies use open source in their technology stack, achieving symbiotic existence of their proprietary products and services with the open source components but they build and contribute to open source software projects that are, by definition, free to use, modify and distribute. This talk will reveal the main reasons behind that. The right balance between the open source contributions and the economic self-interest, enables a mutually beneficial relationship between enterprise and open source, with open source supporting enterprise products and enterprise encouraging open source innovation. Join the talk to find out how companies do that. A sneak peek - it has something to do with passionate and talented open source engineers (just like some of you) companies are happy to have in their ranks.
terraform-provider-libvirt (Duncan Mac-Vicar P.
Terraform is one of the most popular tools to manage infrastructure as code using a declarative approach. After a short introduction to Terraform, I will present how to bring Infrastructure as Code (eg. GitOps) practices to manage classic KVM virtualization resources.
Закриване / Closing
Закриване на OpenFest Online Talks 2020
Кирил Митов е президент на Axlessoft, където се занимава с разработка на интернет продукти и платформи последната от които е свързана с доставяне на 3D в интернет - Има широк опит с разработката на софтуер. Последните месеци около Covid пандемията по света, любимата му команда е 'git rm', която дава възможност да се освободиш от това, което да дърпа назад. Дълги години преподава в ТУЕС и не изпуска възможност да спомене ТУЕС в преставяне. Основава училище по роботика Robopartans преди 2010 и успешно развива организацията до 10 града в страната, след което излиза от дейността през 2019. Основава и ръководи една от големите платформи за обучение в сферата на техническите науки - с преподаватели и ученици от над 74 държави.
Andrew writes Ruby for a living, Javascript by necessity, and Vimscript with a surprising amount of enthusiasm. These days, he's acting as an agent for the Rust Evangelism Task Force, doing talks and teaching a Rust course at Sofia University.
Николай Николаев работи в ИТ индустрията от 20 години, основно в обласста на мрежовата свързаност в различните и форми. В биографията му има и много системно програмираня, виртуализация, контейнеризация а в напоследък и облаци. В последните години, Николай е работил в компании като Canonical и VMware, а в момента е Technical Lead в Kong. Технологиите с отворен код са съпътствали цялата му кариера, от любителски проекти в свободното си време, до професионален разработчик и лидер в Open Source общността.
Krasimir Tsonev is a coder with over ten years of experience in web development. Author of books on Node.js and React he works at where he helps people reaching clinical trials. Loves React and its ecosystem.
Василена е маркетинг консултант, трейнър и презентатор. Има близо 15 години опит с изграждане на цялостни маркетинг стратегии, маркетинг чрез съдържание и оптимизация на конверсии (CRO) в различни индустрии като потребителска електроника, е-търговия и SaaS (software-as-a-service). Работила е с марки като LG Electronics, DELL, Razer,, Enhancv. В свободното си време организира събития за популярна наука с Ratio, преподава контент маркетинг в SoftUni и пише блог за дигитални стратегии и онлайн маркетинг -
Venko Moyankov is an experienced system administrator and solutions architect at StorPool storage. He has experience with managing large virtualizations, working in telcos, designing and supporting the infrastructure of large enterprises. In the last year, his focus has been in helping companies globally to build the best storage solution according to their needs and projects.
Kristof is a freelance embedded software engineer specialising in network and video applications. He's a FreeBSD committer, maintainer of the pf firewall in FreeBSD and a board member of the EuroBSDCon foundation. Kristof has an unfortunate tendency to stumble into uClibc bugs, and a burning hatred for FTP. Do not talk to him about IPv6 fragmentation.
Nikolay Stoitsev is an engineering manager at the early stage HealthTech startup Halo DX. He is leading a team that is reimagining the software systems for medical diagnostics to improve human health and well-being. Nikolay has an obsession with building great teams and products. He was previously at Uber, VMware, and different startups.
Ivana Atanasova is an engineer within VMware's Open Source Program Office. She’s been contributing to various open source projects including OpenFaaS, Network Service Mesh, and Augur. She’s been speaking at a variety of public conferences such as Open Source Summit, KubeCon, OpenFest, IstaCon, and more.
Philippe Coval is a Software Engineer who has been supporting FLOSS communities since late 1990ies. He has contributed to various projects such as Debian, Meego, Tizen, IoTivity, OE/Yocto... He was lucky to be part of rare OpenSource teams supported by Industry (Intel, Samsung). Currently parts of "Mozilla Rep" he is contributing to WebThings IoT platform and also open for cooperation opportunities. Feel free to reach him at:
Alexander Reelsen is a Developer & Advocate, Dad, works since 2013 distributed at Elastic, is interested in search, scale, JVM, crystallang, serverless and Basketball.
A 15-year industry veteran, Velichka had spent 13 years working for a large international financial institution where she rose from a junior .NET engineer to the head of the software development department in Sofia. Over the years she's faced all the aspects of the software development life cycle and gained considerable knowledge and experience in Project and People Management. At the end of 2019 she made an exciting and challenging turn in her engineering career joining VMware in the role of Open Source Engineering Manager. From a personal perspective, she is happy to be a managing partner in a family of four focused on raising two smart and self-confident young ladies.
Божидар Божанов е програмист, а понякога и архитект. Основател на LogSentinel. От скука е направил – компютърен композитор, а друго негово хоби е лингвистиката. Притежател на „дебел“ stackoverflow профил. Залита и по обществено-полезни приложения на софтуерното инженерство, като поради това е част от фондация Общество.бг. Бивш съветник за електронно управление.
Duncan is a veteran open-source enthusiast and contributor. He has contributed to projects like KDE, Salt, openSUSE, Spacewalk and started open-source projects like Kopete and terraform-provider-libvirt. At SUSE, he works as an Engineering Director responsible for the teams working on Uyuni/SUSE Manager (, Salt, and the infrastructure giving customers access to updates and support ( When things break, he fixes them, goes to play guitar or starts tweaking his Emacs config.
Product Owner & Technical Project Manager of SUSE Manager. Benevolent dictator of Uyuni. Former PMO manager, software developer and sysadmin. Some professional certifications on my wall: PMP, PRINCE2 Practitioner, COBIT Foundations, ITILv4, Scrum Master.
Боян е Chief of Product в StorPool, където от 2011-та правят и поддържат най-добрата на света storage система. Преди това се е занимавал с много неща, в т.ч. дизайн и производство на хардуер, архитектура на инфраструктурни IT продукти, правене на доставчици на услуги, мрежи, преподаване на мрежови неща, програмиране и състезания по информатика.
Николай е Solution Architect в StorPool. Започнал като системен администратор в последното десетилетие на миналия век, постепенно интересът и кариерата му се изместват към бизнес и продуктово развитие. В свободното си време се занимава с изучаване и практикуване на техники за сгъване на дрехи, докато хората са все още в тях (a.k.a. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu).
Security Engineer, sysadmin, consultant, writer. Author of The Book of PF (, occasional blogger ( and lecturer on IT security with a strong preference for OpenBSD.
Занимавам се с WordPress и CMS платформи от доста време фен съм на свободния код предпочитам да използвам Debian базирани ОС на последък в работата си тествам web и mobile app дали са достъпни за работа от слабо зрящи и не зрящи потребители.
Georgi has 12 years experience as a Technical Specialist and Delivery Manager in two of the biggest global tech cmpanies and in the last 4.5 years he is leading IBM Systems Cognitive HW Support teams in few EMEA Markets. He has also been leading workstreams in few Global projects: Systems Essential Employee Development program(SEED) IBM University Relations Program Responsible Impact - Tech for Good Earlier this year, he had the honor to be the first Support person to be recognized with #techtrailblazer coin by Global Technical Sales Vice President. He has always had a passion about airplanes and space travel, which was the main driver for him to gain bachelor degree in Aerospace Engineering at the Technical University - Sofia. For the last several months Georgi is working with Naeem Altaf, IBM Distinguished Engineer & CTO of SpaceTech on few exciting projects, aiming to change the Space industry and make it essential for more industries. Being an IBMer, Georgi has access to an ocean of knowledge, expertise and technology, which motivates him to use all possible ways to implement GoodTech innovations for making positive impact on people lives and worldwide economy.
Stoil is dedicated to technology in every aspect of his life. For more than 15 years now he has a really broad experience from software development, through networks and infrastructure, along with several hardware developments and embedded systems. He loves to use this knowledge in building the big picture in projects and bringing interesting solutions to problems. Stoil has been in several positions as a software developer, system administrator, solution architect, and lecturer. Today works mostly on infrastructure and cloud automation and keeps putting his nose in everything technology-related.